MP3 Clip: Chris Potter's Solo on Ducks in a Row.mp3
Transcription PDFs: Transcription in Bb, Transcription in C, Transcription in Eb
Note: I'll be referring to the Bb Tenor transcription in the analysis.
Harmonic Approaches
There are three main harmonic
approaches found in this solo. One is Potter’s use of both chord
tones and upper extensions of the chord to form basic musical
building blocks with a different tonal center than the original root
of the chord. Another is the anticipation and delayed resolution of
certain chords. The last is his ability to create chord progressions
that coast over the top of the original underlying chord. He uses
this approach to melodically and logically arrive at destinations far
away from the original chord and then to get himself back again.
The first two approaches are used
primarily in the solo’s first section, which happens over a moving
chord progression. Following are examples of the first approach in
which chord tones and upper extensions become other musical sounds.
Potter extracts a number of different sounds from these chords, and
one of the most prominent is the pentatonic scale and its variations.
In measure 1, Potter plays notes forming an F minor pentatonic scale
(F Ab Bb C Eb) over an original F#Major7(#11)/F chord. The F minor
pentatonic scale is formed using the 7th, 9th, 3rd, 11th, and 6th of
the F#Major7. Because this is a slash chord the bass is playing an
F and the F minor pentatonic sounds strong and natural. Potter uses
a filled out F minor sound in measures 5 and 7 over the same F#Major7
chord. On the F#Major7 in measure 3 Potter uses a Bb minor
pentatonic scale (Bb Db Eb F Ab), which uses the 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th,
and 9th of the F#Major7. In measure 15, on the same chord, he uses a
simplified Bb minor sound. In measure 9 on beat 3, during the same
chord, he outlines an Eb minor arpeggio (Eb Gb Bb Db), which uses the
6th, root, 3rd, and 5th of the original chord. These same type of
formations are used over the other major chords that occur throughout
the solo up until the vamp, which starts in measure 25.
Dominant chords receive a necessarily
different treatment. A D713(#9) in measure 12 has both a B minor
triad (B D F#) and an Ab Triad (Ab C Eb), which use the 6th, root,
and 3rd, and the #11th, 7th, and b9th of the D7. Potter plays an A
major pentatonic b6 scale (A B C# E F) over the G7(#11) in bar 18
using the 9th, 3rd, #11th, 13th, and 7th of the chord. In the first
half of both measures 23 and 24, Ab13#11 and Bb13#11 respectively,
there are augmented major 7 arpeggios based on the 7th, 9th, #11th,
and 13th of each chord. Potter plays a major arpeggio off the 9th,
#11th, and 13th on the second half of measure 23, and on the second
half of measure 24 he plays a variation using an augmented triad
instead off the 9th, #11th, and 7th. Generally there are a lot of
triadic colors of all types as well as a few extended colors.
The delayed resolutions and
anticipations happen consistently in the first section of the solo.
The first anticipation occurs in measure 4 which is a D13(#9). The
last half of beat 4 includes the note Db which does not relate to the
D13(#9), but it is the 5th of the chord that follows in measure 5.
In measure 6, which is DbMaj7#5, there is an Ab on beat 4. Ab,
technically dissonant to DbMaj7#5, works as an anticipation being the
9th of the F#Maj7#11 that comes in the following bar. In bar 7, an
anticipation on the last half of beat four includes the two notes of
E triad, B and G#. The B only works in context of the chord that
follows in bar 8, an F#min7 chord. In bar 8 (F#min7), the 4th
includes an A# as a resolution, which is an anticipation to the
F#Maj7#11 in bar 9. Beat 4 of bar 9 (F#Maj7#11) includes the notes
G and A as part of a clear DbMaj7#5 sound in anticipation of that
chord in bar 10. There is a possible anticipation using an Ab major
triad (Ab C Eb) on beat 4 of measure 12, which also works as an
altered sound over the measure’s chord D13(#9), but the Ab triad
could also be seen as an anticipation of the F#Maj7#11 in the
following bar. Another anticipation occurs on the second half of
beat 4 of bar 15, where a D is played foreshadowing the E713(b9) that
follows in the next bar. These are all the significant anticipations
in the solo.
Delayed resolutions happen less often,
but they are another way Potter varies harmonic rhythm. The first
delayed resolution happens on the first beat of bar 3 (F#Maj7#11)
where he continues to play the same DbMaj7(b6) sound that he played
in bar 2 (DbMaj7#5). The other delayed resolution happens in bar 21
(EbMaj7b5) on the first beat where Potter plays an Ab minor triad (Ab
B Eb), which is a continuation of the Dbmin11 sound that happens in
the preceding bar. There is also one instance in bar 10 where not
only is the chord from the preceding bar (F#Maj7#11) continued over
the DbMaj7, but the resolution could be argued to not come until beat
3 or 4 or even not at all. Delayed resolutions, though few, do play
a part in creating the malleable harmonic canvas of the solo.
When measure 25 hits a D7 vamp begins,
and Potter switches his harmonic approach and begins to create
progressions that shift over top of the vamp to explore territories
that have some, little, or no relationship to the original D7. The
first hint is given in measure 29, which starts out with an enclosure
of the 5th (A) of the chord but then shifts to an enclosure of Bb and
then Eb suggesting an EbMaj7#11. The Eb tonality is resolved back to
the D7 in the following measure much like a tritone substitution
resolving to its I chord. The Eb material could be drawn from either
the D altered scale (D Eb F F# G# A# C) or from an actual shift in
the implied harmony to EbMaj7#11. In measure 34 Potter plays on Ab
Major or F minor and then continues to Bbmin7 in the following
measure. The Bb minor is then resolved back to the D7. Since Bb
minor shares so much in common with Eb7 the resolution back to D7 is
again very similar to a tritone sub resolution. In measure 36 Potter
picks right back up with the Bbmin7 and resolves it to an E tonality
accentuating the consonant notes E and B only. Following on beat 4
of measure 37 and continuing on into measure 38 Potter descends a
minor 3rd to DbMaj7#11 foreshadowing the descending minor 3rd motion
that happens in measure 39. Following the DbMaj7#11 material he
moves to an Eb7 tonality. The Eb7 is resolved in the following
measure but only for a moment. In measure 39 Potter moves through a
progression of tonalities descending in minor 3rds spending only 2
notes on each tonality. This is the bare minimum of the 5th moving
to the root. The progression moves through the tonalities D, B, F
and D, but then he breaks from the pattern by defining a B minor
triad on beat 4 and then moving down to Bb minor in measure 40. This
entire progression is ended by a climatic ascension back into D7 in
measure 41.
Coming into measure 45 Potter begins
his harmonic explorations again. The last three 16th notes of
measure 44 (Ab B F) define an Ab dimished triad, which is used to
tonicize the augmented Eb triad which comes on beat 1 of measure 45.
The Eb augmented triad is decorated with neighbor tones, and it is
followed by consecutive ascending parallel sounds seen very clearly
by the top note of each phrase which ascend in whole steps. Because
augmented triads are symmetrical at the Major 3rd they each could be
called by 3 different names, but for the sake of simplicity I will
refer to them from their lowest note which also happens to be the
first note of each phrase. The ascending parallel sounds consist of
the original Eb augmented triad at the beginning of measure 45,
followed by an A augmented tonality, and in the second half of
measure 46 a B augmented triad completes the parallel ascending
sounds. The first tonality could be alternately analyzed as an
Abmin(Maj7) when analyzed starting from the Ab at the end of measure
44. This alternate analysis illustrates the ascending voice leading
which happens with the lowest note of each consecutive phrase (Ab to
A to B). Combining the augmented triads in measure 45 results in
the Eb whole tone scale, which could have been the source for this
progression. This Eb7#5 again suggests the tritone sub of the V
chord, which is exactly what we get as the final B augmented triad
resolves to an A half-diminished in measure 47 with a neighboring Ab
diminished triad in the second half of the measure, which resolves
through descending half step voice leading (B on beat 4, Bb on the
and of 4, and A on beat 1 of) back to D7 in 48.
Potter finds another point of departure
in measure 51 where he superimposes F7 which continues through
measure 52. A fully diminished F#7 arpeggio is introduced in
Measure 53 which becomes an Ab7#9 arpeggio. On beat 2 of measure 54
there is a quick appearance of an E major arpeggio which is followed
by an F#min7 arpeggio continuing through the end of the measure.
This is followed by a descending Emin7 arpeggio in measure 55 and
then an Ebmin7 arpeggio. Following, in measure 56, comes Bb minor
pentatonic, and from here we get our familiar resolution from Bb
minor to D7.
The last significant harmonic departure
comes in the second half of measure 67. On beat 3 there is a quick
appearance of a B tonality (B and D# only), which shifts to Ab major
going into measure 68. The Ab major is followed by Db major, which
resolves back up to D7. The Db major shares all its notes with Bb
minor and Eb7 and appears to be another variation of the Bb minor or
Eb7 to D7 resolution.
The most common theme appears to be the
exploration of the Ab Major scale including Bb minor, Db Major, and
Eb7. Potter gets a lot of mileage out of a few sounds by creatively
varying the way he uses them. There were also some directional
progressions like the tonalities descending in minor thirds in
measure 39 and the descending minor 7 arpeggios in measures 54 and
55. Potter manages to completely depart from the D7 tonality in all
of his harmonic departures, and he manages to take the listener with
him through his musical logic and melodic ingenuity.
Melodic Structures
Potter uses many of the normal melodic
elements you would expect to find in a jazz solo including modes of
the major scale, melodic minor scale, and diminished scale,
arpeggiation of major, minor, augmented, and diminished sounds, and
blues and pentatonic sounds. Potter decorates these sounds
approaching and surrounding goal notes using both neighbor tones from
the original scale and chromatic neighbor tones. As discussed above
these sounds appear in consonant settings as well as in very
dissonant setting. When used dissonantly the natural strength of
these melodic structures give the ear something to hold on to. One
device that he uses, less easily explained by traditional jazz
theory, is his intervalic structures or lines which are formed
primarily by a common interval or set of intervals.
The first appearance of an intervalic
line is in a consonant setting starting in measure 31 continuing to
the down beat of measure 33. The main interval used is a tritone and
is the naturally occurring tritone in D7, C to F#. These notes are
decorated by chromatic lower neighbors B and F, which are twice
played consecutively giving the line a second tritone. At the
beginning of the line the C and F# tritone takes aural precedence,
but as the line progresses the B and F tritone becomes an important
part of the line.
A progression in measure 39, mentioned
earlier in the harmonic analysis, also has a very strong intervalic
component. This line consists of ascending perfect fourths
descending in minor thirds. After the line breaks its sequence the
perfect fourth remains an integral part of the phrase. The opening
sequence of perfect fourths does imply harmonic movement but also
stands by itself without the harmonic implications due to its
intervalic integrity.
Other than these two examples the
melodic sounds in this solo are generally easily defined, and Potter
mostly uses conventional melodic techniques here. It is his
unconventional harmonic setting and rhythmic setting of the common
material that keeps it fresh and personal.
Use of Rhythm
There are a wide variety of rhythmic
techniques used throughout this solo. Hemiolas, diminution,
poly-rhythmic phrases, as well as the idiomatic techniques of
triplets and alternating accents are all found in the solo. Potter
tends to intermix all of these techniques freely giving the rhythm an
element of unpredictability.
The opening pre-vamp section of the
solo is characterized by shifting in between 16th note based rhythms,
32nd notes, 16th note triplets, and even the occasional quintuplet or
septuplet. Hemiolas also help create rhythmic interest in the
prevamp section. The first hemiola begins on beat 4 of measure 7 and
is formed from four 16th note triplet beats. Three of the triplet
beats are given the pitches of a descending triad and the fourth is a
rest. The hemiola continues until beat three of the following
measure where it shifts into a snaking descending pattern. The
phrase is ended by two consecutive occurrences of the original
hemiola pattern displaced by the inserted descending pattern. A
diminution forming a hemiola is found in measures 15 and 16. The
original rhythmic pattern is made up of two sixteenth notes of an
unvarying pedal pitch on the upbeat followed by an 8th note of a
varying higher pitch on the down beat. The pattern is introduced on
the second half of beat 1 in measure 15. The diminution is found on
the second half of beat 4 in the same measure when the pattern is
shortened to a hemiola group of three 16th notes. The first 16th
note receives the original pedal pitch and the second 16th receives
the varying higher pitch. The third 16th of the group is simply a
rest. This diminution of a duple pattern forming a hemiola gives the
phrase a strong forward energy.
Once the vamp starts there is a
stronger emphasis on the16th note subdivision. Though the
subdivision becomes more stable there is still a wide variety of
rhythmic techniques present. In the first measure of the vamp,
measure 25, Potter starts a short phrase on the second half of beat
one. The first note of the phrase is then used to start a variation
of the same phrase only this time its played starting on the beat.
This is a rhythmic displacement of a similar phrase, and it
strengthens the groove. There is a diminution in measure 29 when a
pattern of four 16th notes played on beats 2 and 3 is shortened to a
group of 3 16th notes on beat 4. Potter also shifts the accent from
on the beat on beats 2 and 3 to off the beat on the second half of
beat 4. More rhythmic displacements can be found in measures 37-38
and 39-40. One last example of Potter’s use of rhythm is a poly-
rhythmic phrase starting in measure 61. Its starts with a quintuplet
spanning beats 2 and 3 moving into a triplet. The phrase continues
shifting between triplets and groups of 4 over three 8th notes on the
last three 8th notes of the 7/8 measures. Though the subdivision
switches back to duple in measure 66 the 4 over 3 continues to be
found in the next 7 bars until the end of the solo. These examples
were the more prominent examples of rhythmic variations found in the
solo, but, as mentioned in the introduction to this section, there
are other techniques and examples found throughout the solo.
Potter is extremely creative both in
harmonic movement and in rhythmic variation. He manages to take the
same melodic material traditional jazz musicians have been working
with for nearly a hundred years and make it sound fresh and
appealing. Similar to Charlie Parker, Potter drives his lines
forward rhythmically giving the solo a continuous forward momentum
building lots of energy on the way. It is also important to note
that even in his most climactic moments there is a strong rhythmic,
melodic, and harmonic accuracy. The strength of this solo is shown
in these climactic moments where Potter continues to creatively
improvise despite the velocity and intensity of his playing. His
creativity, sometimes unconventional, and clearly expressed ideas
make this a truly great solo.
Hello Ben,
ReplyDeleteI am huge fan of Chris Potter and thanks for posting this.Today I was trying it out and found quote: bars 33-35 "Scrapple from the Apple". Very nice indeed, he starts in key of F and concludes half step above.Very clever!
Cool! Didn't know that was there.